星期三, 12月 22, 2004

The dramatic issue of the IPO of the "Link REIT" ---- "To whom it may politicize"

The Link REIT fund IPO (Initial public offering) was called off and could not be listed due to the legal challenge against the Housing Authority's privatisation plan by some public housing tenants.

I think some investors might still question the legality of the divestment after its listing if the final legal barrier (the final ruling of the Final Court of Appeal) is not to be cleared and of course this might cause a disaster in the local financial market.

However, "bad things" may be turned into "good things". A good lesson may be learnt from this privatization of the public asset. Optimality and efficiency will NEVER be attained under public ownership of property, and "disspation of rent" will always be resulted from the point view of economics.

However, the deferral of the Link REIT listing won't affect Hong Kong's status as the regional financial center, I think, but the incident would affect the Housing Authority and investors in the short run.



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