星期五, 2月 13, 2009

How heavy the inflation tax imposed by Zimbabwe Government

Zimbabwe central bank issued notes denominated in 100 trillion.
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe promises to pay the bearer (of the note) on demand...

One-Hundred-Trillion Dollar bank note = Zim$100,000,000,000,000

In order to keep abreast of her domestic runaway hyper-inflation, the central bank of Zimbabwe issued banknote denominated in 100 trillion (100 trillion). Zimbabwe's economy has become devastated.

According to unofficial market exchange rate: Zim 100 trillion to U.S. 300 dollars convertible. Zimbabwe currency transactions are usually carried out in the free market (black market) and local currencies plunged every day.

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe Central Bank) will issue three other trillion-banknotes, i.e. 10 trillion, 20 trillion and 50 trillion.

How heavy the inflation tax imposed by the irresponsible Zimbabwe government!

See also at: http://wongtc.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post_12.html



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